第1307章 附录五:双语视窗(442~487)
第1307章 附录五:双语视窗(442~487) (第3/3页)
sea-a talent left unrecognized.沧海遗珠
470.A youth is to be regarded with respect.后生可畏
471.Both can be accomplished without coming into conflict.并行不悖
472.Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日毕。
473.Every wrong will be righted.有错必纠
474.It can not be explained in words.不可言宣
475.It's known even to women and children.妇孺皆知
476.Mental worries cannot be cured by medicine.心病难医
477.No one picks up what's left by the wayside.道不拾遗
478.Not a second is to be lost; every second counts.分秒必争
479.One doesn't know whether something can be done.未知可否
480.One will be blessed by a lucky star.吉星高照
481.Set to right what has been thrown into disorder.拨乱反正
482.Something\/somebody is beaten by wind and waves.风吹浪打
483.Spilt water can't be gathered up-what is done can't be undone.覆水难收
484.The happy life we have today was not easily won.得来不易
485.The journey has not been made in vain.\/It's been a worthwhile journey.\/The journey has been well worthwhile.不虚此行
486.They can be counted on one's fingers-very few.屈指可数
487.What's frequently heard can be repeated in detail.耳熟能详